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Automated Hail Swaths and Damage Ratios

Automated Hail Swaths and Damage Ratios

April 22, 2021

Presented by Andrew Siffert of BMS RE

On an inflation-adjusted basis, 2020 was the second-costliest year on record for thunderstorm-related damage in the U.S. Most year of the insured losses resulted from hail damage is the driver of the industry loss. Due to increasing awareness over the last several years regarding the increase in insured hail losses, insurance companies have been arming themselves with analytics; hail swath report maps which now seem to be a dime a dozen are widely used by insurance companies. Roofers are also using these hail maps to find work. However, some things should be known about these products which will be one component of this talk. The other component will be how the hail maps can be used to improve customer satisfaction and profitability during these costly catastrophic events. BMS RE US is drawing upon its broad, national client-base to provide important insights to insurance companies, helping them better understand and utilize the information in hail swath reports. In this talk, we will discuss how insurance claims data from destructive hail events adds value beyond the standard hail swath maps by offering improved claims rates and exposed loss ratios.
