PAMIC Member Demographics

PAMIC’s member groups represent the property and casualty insurers licensed to do business in Pennsylvania. While we are based in Pennsylvania, PAMIC membership represents the majority of the Mid-Atlantic region covering: Pennsylvania, Ohio, Michigan, Maryland, New Jersey, New York, West Virginia and Virginia.

PAMIC Member Stats

Beyond mutual companies, we represent over 130 market members who are crucial in upholding the value and operations of our member groups. Some examples of our associates are: law firms, accounting firms, reinsurance companies, restoration companies and technology firms.

  • Represents 122 unique insurers

  • Surplus:  $34 billion

  • National Annual Premium:  $29.8 billion

  • Pa Annual Premium:  $4.5 billion

  • Pa Annual Taxes paid: $1.5 billion

  • Commissions Paid:  $573 million

PAMIC Membership Types

Although there are two primary membership types with PAMIC, members are classified into several groupings within the PAMIC system. Below are listed the types of groupings that we have and the amount of companies listed within each grouping.

Mutual Insurer Member (48 companies)

General Insurer (3 companies)

Law Firm (25 companies)

Claims Adjusting & Forensics (17 companies)

Information Technology (18 companies)

Restoration Services (3 companies)

Auditing, Finance & Accounting (19 companies)

Other Insurance Services (23 companies)

Reinsurer (10 companies)

Reinsurance Intermediary (6 companies)

National Insurance Company Trade Association (2 associations)
